Historic Metamora Inc

This is a copy of the plat for the town of Metamora, which is on file in the county recorder's office.
According to a news story the original plat was lost in a house fire in 1945
The orientation of this document would be that the top is west.
Main Street as shown here was bisected by the channel of the Whitewater Canal and later the tracks of the Whitewater Valley Railroad.
Sale of Town Lots
Brookville American March 30 1838
In the Town of METAMORA Franklin County Indiana.
THE subscribers will offer at public sale on Thursday the 26th day of April, A. D. 1838, about fifty in-lots, in the above named town.—
This place is situated in one of the most extensive, fertile and beautiful valleys of the white water river. It is nine miles from Brookville, twenty-one from Rushville, twenty-three from Greensburgh, fifty from Cincinnati and sixty from Indianapolis. The white water canal is located directly through the centre of the town, and the construction of the work will be commenced early in the summer.—
There will be one lock in the town and another within a half mile, of nine feet lift, creating water power sufficient for twelve run of mill stones.—
In addition to this the white water river affords ample water power at all seasons of the year, and there are now in operation upon it, in sight of the town, a grist mill, saw mill, and carding machine.
The great State Road and stage route from Indianapolis through Rushville and Brookville to Cincinnati, strikes the canal at this point, and runs side and side with it through the centre of the town, and nearly all of the lots offered with front on one or the other of these great thoroughfares. The road from Connersville through Laurel to Brookville unites here with the great state road, and also the road to Greensburgh by the way of Clarksburgh, enters the white water valley at this point. In addition to these the roads down duck creek, pipe creek, and salt creek, which all empty into the river near this place afford the most natural channels for transporting the produce of the extensive country along those streams.
There is no point on the white water canal where a greater amount of produce will be taken to and from the Ohio river; and the number of hogs which will be driven here, must, owing to the great concentration of roads at this point, from the rich country west, always greatly exceed the number taken to any other point on the canal. Barrels and kegs for packing pork and lard can be made very cheap here owing to the abundance of materials for that purpose. The soil, of the valley in which Metamora is situated, is a rich dry loam, without any stagnated water in the neighborhood. Water of the purest kind is obtained in wells of moderate depth, and the health of the place and vicinity is unsurpassed by any place in the west. Timber, stone and materials for brick and lime are convenient and in the greatest abundance.
Such has been the demand for a place of business at this point, that though no town has heretofore been laid off, a store, tannery, post office, and numerous mechanic shops have been established and are doing an excellent business, and the proprietors in laying out this town, believe they are merely answering the wishes and wants of the rich and rapidly improving country around it.
The terms of sale will be one third in six months, one third in twelve months, and the balance in eighteen months without interest, the purchaser giving his note with approved security.